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Top 3 tips to stay on track in 2019

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After facing a constant quest of choosing a new topic for our series of personal and professional blogs, PWG opens up a new discussion and passes the baton to its esteemed subscribers in 2019.

Do you suffer from a problem of plenty and often end up getting a full platter in your hands with a very little time to ingest all the alternatives available to you? Good to know that you are not the only one who is affected by all the noise and entropy around you.

Now, a million dollar question is how to stay focused and keep an eye on your priority list without compromising on sustainable solutions under squeezed timelines.

Here are our top 3 choices to help you stay on track this year:

1. Micro plan to achieve big goals: You can surely achieve success and attain your macro goals, if your start turning them into micro objectives on an everyday basis. Identify and determine all the rate limiting factors that will affect your final completion timeline from start to finish. Priortization of interwoven activities becomes an essential part of an everyday planning and monitoring them helps you to plan contigency and avoid last minute surprises. Being agile always helps in raising red flags and getting cross functional groups up to speed with the scheduled timelines. Do not forget to update a regular status report.

2. Priciple of Circular economy: The priciple of circular ecomomy applies to all industries in today's world as it promotes cost effectiveness and releases pressure on our resources for sustainable and healthy eco conscious environment. Set a vision with your project team and stakeholders before you decide for bringing circular economy principles into your project. This will help ensure everyone has the same understanding through different stages of project.

In pharma industry, recovery of solvents during the production of active pharmaceutical products is considered to be the best practice to save million of dollars in transporting virgin solvents and generate substantial CO2 benefits. Talk to management and clients, and explain what possibilities exist to deliver their project whilst meeting the principles of a circular economy.

3. Business case for future projects: Be sure to capture lessons learnt about challenges and how you overcame them. Calculate and quantify the total benefits applying circular economy principles has brought to the project, e.g. tonnes of waste avoided compared to a standard approach, and estimate disposal costs saved.

This evidence will help you create the business case for future projects and prioritize sustainability over expenditures.

PWG is always willing to partner with eco conscious organisations and clients to reduce its carbon print and colloborate on sustainable projects for a better future.

Please feel free to reach and follow us for additional information. Don't forget to leave your comments and share your feedback in the section below.





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